
Saturday, March 23, 2024

Three Forms

The Goddess is called as “Sri Kamakshi”. The word is derived from the heritage of 
  1. “Ka” means Goddess Saraswati (God of Education), 
  2. “Ma” means Goddess Lakshmi (God of Wealth), 
  3. “Akshi” means Eye. In Kanchi the God lives with Goddess Sarawathi and Lakshmi as Her both eyes.

The place where goddess resides is “ Gayatri Mandapam”. The Goddess lives in temple in 3 forms. They are 
  1. Sri Kamakshi, 
  2. Sri Bilahasam and 
  3. Sri Chakram.
The goddess is in a sitting posture of “Padmasana”. The goddess has Pasa, angusa, Pushpabana and Sugarcane in her forehands.

1 comment:

  1. can you please tell me... what is this sri bilahasam? i didn't understand what ammd how exactly does is look like.

